Tian Lipu Meeting the IP Delegation from Italian Ministry of Economic Development


At the invitation of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Mr. Alfonso GIANNI, State Secretary to the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, and Mrs. Maria Ludovica AGR?, director of Italian Patent and Trademark Bureau headed a delegation to visit China. Director Tian Lipu of the SIPO had a meeting with the guests and their party. Both sides held the second meeting of the mixed committee, at which they exchanged views on Sino-Italian IP cooperation and inked the 2007 implementation plan for bilateral cooperation.


During the meeting Director Tian Lipu expressed welcome to State Secretary GIANNI and his party. He pointed out, China and Italy are friendly countries in tradition. In recent years both countries are deepening their cooperation in such areas as politics, economy and trade, science and technology as well as culture. In the field of intellectual property, both sides have in recent years established official cooperative relationship and jointly launched some fruitful activities in this regard. Director Tian Lipu further talked to the guests about the development of the SIPO and the latest progress in China's IP protection. Mr. GIANNI expressed sincere thanks to the SIPO for its warm entertainment and considerate arrangement, and appreciation of rapid development of the SIPO in recent years. Director AGR? gave a brief account of new headway in the area of IP protection in Italy. Besides, both sides also exchanged views on some matters of common interest: how to strengthen cooperation in the areas of law enforcement, how to jointly promote IP culture and environment, etc.


During their stay in China, the Italian guests called on the Ministry of Commerce, State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Supreme People's Court and Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office, and had a free discussion with representatives from Italian businesses in China. The recent visit of the Italian IP delegation personally headed by the State Secretary of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the active participation of related activities by Italian Ambassador Sessa and Commercial Counselor has fully reflected the attention paid to Sino-Italian cooperation in intellectual property by the Italian side. Through the recent visit both sides have deepened mutual communication and further promoted their IP work and played an active role in facilitating Sino-Italian cooperation in intellectual property.

