the SIPO and the MPS Crack Down Upon Defrauds in Patent Award Evaluation


A few days ago the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) jointly printed and issued the Circular on severe crack down of defrauding criminal activities by means of patent award evaluation. The Circular requires that the national system of IPO and the MPS should jointly launch a campaign to heavily beat criminal activities of defrauding by patent award evaluation. It sets forth requirements in four areas to the IPO and the public security organ at all levels: 1. increase ideological awareness and strengthen organization and leadership; 2. strengthen cooperation and coordination so as to form a synergic striking force; 3. take stronger means to frighten offenders; 4. consolidate publicity and better the result of the struggle.  

In order to firmly restrain such criminal activities, speed up the building of a harmonious society, safeguard the image of the government, guarantee the normal operation of the patent system and protect the legal rights and interests of patent applicants, patentees and inventors, the SIPO and the MPS have in recent years organized and guided the campaign to beat such criminal activities, as a result, Hubei province, Beijing city and elsewhere have uncovered successively a number of cases defrauding patentees, this has to some extent stoke against such illegal behaviors. However, their concealment, diverse means and low amount involved in individual case have made it more difficult to crack down on them.

The printing and issue of the Circular and the organization of the striking campaign has been paid great attention and fully affirmed by the leadership of the SIPO and supported by the leadership of the MPS. Close communication and cooperation between the two departments and efficient contact and coordination of their related functional divisions have facilitated the release of the Circular. This will help strengthen the cooperative capability of departments in law-enforcement, and further play the role of the IP system and the public security system in IP protection, and carry out the central plan for IP law-enforcement.

