China Leaps to Eighth in PCT Filing 2006


After its debut in the top 10 filers in 2005, China leaped over Switzerland and Sweden to the eighth with 3,910 PCT applications in 2006, a surge of 56.8%.   Being in the top 20 for the first time, Chinese company Huawei Technologies moved up the corporate ladder from 37th to 13th, dwarfing all the PCT users from the developing countries.   


For the 6th consecutive year, PCT applications exceeded 100,000 with a record of 145,300 applications filed in 2006, representing a 6.4% growth over the previous year.  International patent applications received from developing countries in 2006 saw a 27.6% increase as compared to 2005, representing 8.2% of all international patent applications filed.  The top 3 countries remained unchanged with the United States, Japan and Germany.  Their numbers of applications were 49,555, 26,906 and 16,929.  The most remarkable growth rates came from countries in northeast Asia and represented 25.3% of all international applications under the PCT.


In 2006, 48,211 PCT applications entered the national phase of China by either designating or selecting the State Intellectual Property Office of China, an rise of 7,407 year on year.

