Joint Conference Between SIPO and Hunan Provincial Government Held in Beijing


The conference between SIPO and Hunan government


On March 8, the first joint working conference between SIPO and Hunan provincial government was held in Beijing basing on a agreement between the two bodies. Mr. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Zhang Qin, deputy commissioner and Mr. Gan Lin, the vice governor of Hunan province delivered speeches at the conference. Mr. Gong Shiyi, director of Hunan IP Administration, Mr. Zou Minsheng, deputy director of Hunan IP Administration also took part in it. Mr. Xing Shengcai, deputy commissioner of SIPO, chaired the conference.


Mr.Tian Lipu said that Hunan's IP work is among the best of whole China provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions because Hunan is one of the earliest areas in China to start its IP work and had a good basis, "Premier Wen placed the IP at a strategic position not long ago, so I wish Hunan could maintain the trend and achieve further progress. SIPO will give its support the local IP developments as much as possible, and I am sure that the conference will inevitably push forward the socioeconomic development of Hunan, and help Hunan IP work up to a new level," Mr. Tian added.


Mr. Gan Lin, the vice governor, expressed his gratitude to SIPO for its long-term support and concern, and then introduced the new progress in Hunan IP field, as well as some issues to be jointly operated with SIPO this year. He said that Hunan Provincial Government has given high attention to IP work, and invested a lot to accelerate the IP work in Hunan. Government departments at various levels in Hunan cooperate with each other, and have formed a joint power in IPR protection, made out a series of effective measures in IP fields, therefore the IP work in Hunan has been attracted wide concern and greatly enforced.


In 2006, according to Mr. Gan, patent application in Hunan reached 10,249 cases, 36 percent belonged to invention patent, 38 percent more than the previous year, and also enabled Hunan to be the ninth biggest invention patent provinces among the 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. Patent applications from enterprises, universities and scientific institutes had witnessed a 27 percent, 28 percent and 129 percent growth respectively over these in 2005, and Hunan approved a total of 5,608 applications in 2006, 53 percent more than that in 2005. According to statistics by the end of 2006, Hunan was the 9th largest patent application province and 10th largest in approving. Right now, application quality and patent structure have all been greatly approved.


Before the conference, Hunan government had studied the document issued by SIPO entitled as Decision on Promoting Rise of Central Part of China by Enforcing IP Work, and fully considered its own characteristics and advantages, and prepared a list consisting five parts for the conference, including cooperation in training in IP field and IP professionals, jointly promoting IP work in Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, jointly operating IP strategy study for the enterprises advanced in IP field and engaged in engineering and equipment manufacturing, jointly building IP assistance centers as well as the proposal for the joint conference in 2008.


Mr. Zhangqin, on behalf of SIPO, actively echoed to his guests, by saying that SIPO was in great favor of the Hunan's effort in IPR protection, would try its best to support Hunan in IP field so as to boost the economic and social development in the province.

