SIPO and Hunan Signed Protocol on Working Conference System



On March 8, the signing ceremony of "Protocol on Joint Working Conference between SIPO and the People's Government of Hunan Province" was held in Beijing. Mr. Zhou Qiang, the governor of people's government of Hunan province, Mr. Ganlin, the Vice Governor, Mr. Tian Lipu, commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Zhang Qin, Mr. Xing Shengcai, the deputy commissioners, attended the ceremony, and Mr. Zhang presided the whole ceremony.


In his speech at the ceremony, Mr. Tian pointed out the system represented Hunan gave great attachment to IP work. Signing the document is also one of measures SIPO adopted to carry out the central government's strategy promoting the rise of the central part of China, and a concrete measure to enhance SIPO's support to Hunan. Establishing regular working conference system is an important way for SIPO to strengthen its connection with local IP administration. "This will promote the combination between demands from local administrations and ideas from the central government help integrate IP resources both from central and local governments and establish a nation-wide IP framework," Mr. Tian added.


 Mr. Tian Lipu addressed at the signing ceremony


Mr. Zhou Qiang, governor of Hunan provincial governor, delivered speech at the signing ceremony


On behalf of Hunan provincial government, Mr. Zhou Qiang expressed his heartfelt gratitude to SIPO for its guidance and support, and indicated the legal system and working mechanism about IP in Hunan have been gradually completed. Hunan has seen rapid growth of independent IPR, big achievement in IPR quality and protection, further optimization of the market economy environment, sharp increase of investment to IP field, distinctive improvement of working conditions, significant progress of public consciousness to IP, dramatic improvement in making use of IP system by local enterprises and institutions. "All of these are benefited from the correct policy from the provincial government, joint efforts from Hunan people from different circles as well as the strong support from SIPO". Mr. Zhou continued, "Hunan will take the conference as an opportunity, and by taking full use of SIPO's preferential policies and support, further integrate provincial IP resources, bring the advantages into full play, stand out characteristics, accelerate the development, make great efforts to raise the Hunan's IP to a new level.


Mr. Tian Lipu stressed that as the important province in central China, Hunan has been enjoying guidance and support from SIPO in its IP work. " I am confident that the working conference system will benefit the two parties to fully play their own advantages in promoting Hunan's IP work, setting up a fair and legal market environment, enforcing Hunan's core competitiveness and innovation ability, and finally accelerating Hunan socioeconomic development and China's IP clause. 

