The Director of SIPO Coordination Department on the IP Macro-management


On Mar 9, SIPO government website held the online interview with the topic of "the director of SIPO Coordination Management Department on IP macro-management". Mr. Ma Weiye, director of Coordination & Management Department ,  Mr. Peng Maoxiang, the director of Industrial Management Section of the department, Mr. Zhao Meisheng, the director of Law Enforcement Section of the department and Ms. Lu Zhiying, coordinator of Coordination Section, introduced the related contents of IPR macro-management online and gave answers online.

Concentrating on China's patent right and IPR management, these officials discussed the issues like patent trial and demonstration, patent law enforcement, industrialization of patent technology as well as gold award of China's patent competition. People on net asked a lot of about technical transformation of personal invention, patent evaluation standards and patent frauds. Mr. Ma's patent and detailed replies pushed the interview to climax.

From the replies of these officials, SIPO set up trial and demonstration models in recent years with a guideline listed in a SIPO document that wide promotion always be behind trial and summary. Through the trial period, SIPO will select the cities, parks and units with initiative to do well with IP among all the trial units, provide training service and help to be demonstration models to others.

Demonstrations are mainly divided into two levels: the beginning period, when the qualification of demonstration would be much higher than trail period, meaning that the units passing trial period do not absolutely reach the demonstration standard immediately, and SIPO will gave the trial cities, parks, enterprises and institutions two more years with a strong support and help. After this, SIPO will officially entitle them the demonstration cities or units so as to push forward healthy development of national IP at higher level. The model cities, parks or units are set up for providing experiences to others. carry out IP through the establishment of demonstration city. By now, 55 trial cities, 16 trial parks and 260 enterprises and institutions are under SIPO's direction, and 10 demonstration cities, 2 demonstration parks, 70 enterprises and institutions.

The main responsibilities of Coordination & Management Department of SIPO include: study and draw up IPR-related policies, management measures and regulations;

2. to direct the local patent organizations to handle with the patent disputes and patent fraud;

3. to make out the related policies and measures to standardize the patent market and boost the implementation of patent technology; coordinate the administrative law enforcement and IPR management duties listed in bilateral or multi-lateral agreements and accords of IP;

5. to standardize and manage evaluation of patent investment and its service organization;

6. to be responsible for giving suggestions to compulsory licensing and relevant expenses in the process;

7. to be responsible for registration and filing of patent contracts, to organize evaluation of China patent gold medal;

8. to jointly organize with the Personnel Department to evaluate the advanced collectives and staff in patent sector and to organize patent strategy research.

