Mr. He Hua Attended the National Patent Agency Working Conference in Shanghai


On March 7, the 2006 national patent agency working conference was held in Shanghai. Mr. He Hua, vice commissioner of SIPO, Mr. Yang Dinghua, vice mayor of Shanghai, Mr. Li Yiping, vice secretary-general of Shanghai government, Mr. Chen Zhixing, director of Shanghai IP Administration, attended the opening ceremony. More than 60 leaders and officials from related department of SIPO and China Patent Administration, IP bureaus of municipalities under the central government, and provinces, and patent agencies were present at the meeting.

Mr. He Hua pointed out that with rapid development of patent, China's patent agencies underwent great changes and expansion, improvement of the management system, fulfilling of their professional responsibilities. After 20 years of development, patent agency have already become an important component of China patent work, and played more and more significant role in the development in China's patent.

"Each patent agency should attach great importance to the demands of SIPO work plan in 2007, regard raising public service level and completing the task of patent examination and approval in 2007 as the overwhelming goal in 2007," Mr. He stressed, "and we ought to further enhance our sense of responsibility and mission, do well in counter service with higher standard and finish each task with high quality and efficiency."

Mr. Yang Dinghua indicated that Shanghai government would conscientiously implement demands raised by Chinese president Hu Jintao and push forward construction of Shanghai in economy, social welfares, science and technology as well as opening up. "We must improve our self-innovation ability and change the pattern of economic growth, boost the good, fast social and economic development in Shanghai on the base of science and technology as well as IPR protection, so Shanghai government will continually place IPR protection at important position," said Mayor Yang. 

Delegates to the conference summarized the progress of China's patent agency in 2006, made arrangement for 2007, and granted advanced?agency prizes and good-quality awards, listened the report on national IP strategy and exchanged experiences on patent agency.

