Asian Regional IP Seminar Held in Beijing, Lin Binghui Spoke at Its Opening Seremony


The Asian Regional IP Seminar sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) opened in Beijing on March 20. SIPO deputy commissioner Lin Binghui attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Present at the symposium are 25 representatives from 19 countries and organizations in Asia.

In his speech Lin Binghui pointed out, China has been dedicating itself to the common development of intellectual property activity in the Asian region. The seminar sponsored by the SIPO will further increase mutual understanding, promote information sharing among the countries in the region, and improve the IP systems of the member states, and create a regional investment climate favorable for the development of local economic and trade relations. This year was the second time to use the Asian regional cooperation fund to launch a communication cooperation project on the creation, use and protection of IPR. It is believed that the seminar can contribute to the upgrading of the general level of IP in the Asian region as a whole.

There were 25 representatives from 19 Asian countries and organizations at the seminar


Deputy director Wang Lantao of the China IP Training Center introduced the center to the representatives in detail.

It is reported that the seminar lasted five days. A number of issues were thoroughly discussed, such as how to strengthen IP protection, disseminate and use IP information, enhance thepublic awareness of IPR, sharpen enterprise competitive edge, and build up the capacity of IP talents as well as transformation and management of IPR.

