Start with the Implementation Plan for the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation(2007-2010) "


A few days ago the SIPO printed and distributed the Implementation Plan for the"Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation (2007-2010)", which is to be carried out in three aspects: cultivate hundreds of high-level IP seniors, thousands of IP specialists, and tens of thousand IP professionals.


The "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation(2007-2010)" (briefly referred to as "talent project" below) aims to carry out the 11th Five-Year Plan for Intellectual Property Right Personnel, strengthen building up of a contingent of IPR talents, bring up a rank of high-level IP qualified personnel adaptable to the requirement of state economic and social development, and push on the building of a innovation-oriented country and the implementation of the state IP strategy.


It is learned that the "talent project" includes three levels. First, several hundreds of high-level IPRseniors will be brought up who have a good command of Chinese and foreign laws and regulations regarding intellectual property, are well aware of international IP practice and convention, and have a high professional level and practical skills. Second, several thousands of high qualified personnel will be trained who boast advanced speciality and academic advantage in such areas as IP management, administrative law-enforcement, law and policy as well as strategy study, patent review, IP historical document, information network construction and intermediary service. Third, tens of thousand IP professionals will be nurtured who are engaged in IP work, intermediary service, etc. The talent project has set up two major targets: by implementing the project the general goal can be reached that a contingent of talented people, adequate in number, rational in structure, in a satisfactory variety and with high quality, can in the main meet the development needs of state economy and society as well as IP activity. It is reported that the talent project will be subject to the overall coordination and organization of the SIPO and be jointly carried out by the national system of IP offices. The SIPO is responsible to work out a general plan and coordinate and guide the work, and IP offices at the level of province, autonomous region and municipality shall undertake the planning and implementation of their local work, while all IP-related units and trade associations shall take up corresponding work within their own duty and business scope.

