Hundreds of Senior Talents to be Selected from the IPO System


In order to speed up training of senior IPR personnel and further strengthen construction of the contingent of IPR personnel, and in accordance with the Implementation Plan for the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation(2007-2010)"  , the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) has recently issued a notice to start the work of recommendation and selection of hundreds of senior IPR talents from among the SIPO system.

The current recommendation and selection of hundreds of senior talents mainly takes a form like this: a number of 150 or more middle-aged and young talented people shall be selected and kept in mind from the SIPO system and other key enterprises and undertakings as well as intermediary services, who are regarded as main targets and shall be, by training, made professional and academic pioneers in the area of intellectual property, who have a good command of domestic and foreign IP laws and regulations, are fully aware of international IP practices and have a high level of profession and practical skills.

Designing and implementing the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation"  is one of the major tasks determined in the "11th Five-Year Plan" for IPR personnel and also an important measure for the SIPO system to cultivate high quality personnel.

In light of the requirements for selection of talents and the development needs of IP activity IP Administrations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall determine the major target candidates and recommend them on the basis of those in mind or listed in their training plan. The SIPO will get together experts from related areas to assess the candidates recommended so as to determine who should be trained into senior talents and to set up a personnel information databank regarding nationwide senior IP talents. Recommendation and selection of hundreds of senior talents is a basic work to carry out the talent project and will in principle be conducted once every two years in order that qualified excellent people emerged can be supplemented to the rank of senior talents and a smooth progress guaranteed with the training of hundreds of senior talents.

