SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipumet Mr. John Frisbie, The president of the US-China Business Council


On March 20 Tian Lipu, commissioner of the SIPO, met the president of the US-China Business Council Mr. John Frisbi and his party.

During the meeting Tian Lipu gave the guests an account of the present situation of IP protection in China and something about the SIPO. He pointed out, since reform and opening up, China has developed close economic and trade ties with the outside world, which makes the Chinese government understand the importance of IP protection. At present, the number of patent applications filed to the SIPO every 10 days is as many as the total in the year 1986, this indicates not only how fast the Chinese economy develops but also how much attention the Chinese government pays to IP protection. A great many U.S. companiesare optimisticabout the development potential of China and see the Chinese government's confidence in IP protection.As a result, their patent applications in China increased rapidly. Last year, there were 23,494 patent applications in China from U.S. businesses, a year-on-year increase of 15.2%.  

Mr. John Frisbie expressed his thanks to commissioner Tian Lipu for the meeting in spite of his busy schedule, and talked about the U.S.-China Business Council. Mr. Frisbie said, the Commission opened a business office in China in 1979, and so far it has 250 member companies. He hoped the present meeting would facilitate mutual exchanges.

