Xing Shengcai Attended the Conference of IP Pilot and Exemplary Projects in Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region


The other day the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region held a "work conference on intellectual property pilot and exemplary projects of the autonomous region" in Urumqi. Deputy commissioner Xing Shengcai of the SIPO  attended the conference and made an important speech. The opening ceremony was chaired by Jin Nuo, assistant to chairwoman of the autonomous region

In his speech Xing Shengcai pointed outthat in recent years remarkable achievements have been registered in the IP work of Xinjiang, however, still greater efforts are needed to advance  its IP work in face of the excellent opportunity of large-scale development of the region during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period. On the development of IP activity in Xinjiang, he suggested thatin accordance with the state IP strategy, a leading group should be set up as early as possible to work out a local IP strategy, in light of the features and advantages of Xinjiang, draw up a Xinjiang IP strategic outline so as topave the way for the implementation of the state IP strategy and provide a basic guarantee for Xinjiang to enhance its capacity of IP creation, management, use and protection. At the same time, to better implement the state "Plan for the Development of IP Activity during the '11th Five-Year Plan' Period" and the overall planning, Xinjiang should draw up and carry out its local "11th Five-Year" plan for IPR protection, clearly identify its development targets and major tasks, and push ahead with the all-round rapid development of local IP system through effective measures.

Xing Shengcai stressed that 2007 is a "year of state IP culture".Faced with such an opportunity, Xinjiang IP publicity should focus on the construction of IP culture characterized by "reverence of innovative spirit and respect for intellectual property right", fulfill the central requirement of "respect for labor, knowledge, talents and innovation" to set the tune of "honoring labor and knowledge, cherishing talents and innovation" for the whole society. In line with the SIPO overall planning, Xinjiang will carry out the Plan for the talent project of training thousands of IPR personnel (2007-2010) and strengthen the cultivation and training of IPR talent pool in order to meet the needs of local economic and social development as well as large-scale development and fast growth of Xinjiang.

Speaking of the protection of IP rights of intangible cultural heritage, Xing Shengcai pointed out that Xinjiang is the home to multiple nationalities and has created a glorious culture along its long journey of development. It is a treasure house of rich intangible cultural heritage and a propitious land of outstanding people.  To preserve these assets, we should: a)  carefully collect and sort related information of every household; b) set up legislative framework to preserve these treasures for the benefits of the Xinjiang people; c) strike a balance between opening up and preservation to prevent intangible cultural heritage from draining away. He also pointed out, the SIPO has paid much attention to IPR protection  in Xinjiang for years, and will give still more concern to the region in the development of its IP systemand other sectors. Greater support will be rendered as always, particularly in information sharing and using, personnel training and capacity building.

At the conference an important speech was delivered by Chen Lei, member of the CPC Standing Committee and executive vice chairman of the People's Government of the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region. Chen Lei thoroughly analyzed the opportunity and challenge faced by the region in its economic and social development from the height of a scientific development and the great strategy for building an innovative country, and examined the importance and urgency of doing IP work well in all aspects. He also put forward new requirements for the region's IP activity in face of its modernization drive, and clearly pointed out the goal and direction of IP work. Jin Nuo, assistant to chairwoman of the autonomous region, made a closing speech on a unified plan and clear requirement about how to carry out the spirit of the conference. The conference was the personification of high quality; it offered food for thought, fulfilled the expectations and was quite successful.

