World IPR Prection and Innovation Seminar Held in Beijing, State Councillor Chen Zhili Present and Delivered Speech


The World Seminar on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Innovation was held in Beijing on 27 March.Madam Wu Yi, vice Premier of the State Council, sent a letter of congratulation. State Councillor Chen Zhili was present at the seminar and gave a speech. Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) was at the seminar and delivered a keynote speech.

Madam Wu Yi pointed out, IPR protection is the premises and guarantee of encouraging innovation. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the capacity building of independent innovation. The development strategy for establishing an innovative country has been established. IPR protection system has been improving and IPR protection strengthened. The Chinese government will continue to take more effective measures and is willing to enhance cooperation with international community to learn from each other so as to further promote the protection of IPR in a continuous fashion.

Chen Zhili introduced IPR protection in China and said, IPR protection is in the need of China's own development. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to IPR protection. Developing countries should take tremendous efforts unswervingly to establish and perfect modern IPR system so as to effectively protect IPR, which should be regarded with strategic vision. She stressed that IPR protection is an international issue which needs cooperation, understanding and joint efforts among all related parties.

It is said that nearly 500 government officials and business people from the US, EU member states and other countries and regions participated in the seminar.

