Online Interview on Caring Companies' Future in Ningxia Hong Group


The publicity campaign with the theme of Caring Companies' Future -Independent Innovation with Own Intellectual Property Rights, sponsored by State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), was carried out at Ningxiahong Wolfberry Industry Group Co.,Ltd. (NWIGCO) on 28 March, 2007. An online interview focused on the theme that IPR is one of the important strategic resources for the development of enterprises was organized.

The interview was focused on the IPR and development strategies of enterprises with IPR issues emerged from corporate development as the context. Various issues were discussed online, including how the enterprises can turn local natural resources into IPR resources, the function and impact of IPR on the business's future strategic plans and how the enterprises can use IPR to improve their competitive edge in the less developed western areas in China so as to change its position from being passive to active.

Top managerial staff from NWIGCO, officials and experts from SIPO and local IP Administration in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region participated in the interview. The experts and scholars present expressed their experiences and opinions. Web visitors asked various questions on the corporate culture of NWIGCO, development strategy, IPRs owned and the government measures adopted to tackle pirate brands and products, which pushed the interview to its climax.

NWIGCO is one of the leading enterprises specifically supported by Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and also one of the leading companies for agriculture industrialization at both the regional and national levels. Since its establishment, the company has always been relying on independent innovation. Its brands are supported by scientific research, marketed with good quality, hence, have got a good reputation with creditability. As a result, it has become a well known company in wolf berry deep processing in China. In 2005, Ningxiahong was selected one of the Top 20 Wine Brands in China and NWIGCO was awarded the 53rd of the Top 100 Most Competitive Companies in China.
Being a successful late comer in the wine industry, NWGICO has always been attaching great importance to the change of mentality and the establishment of company culture. Its atmosphere, notion, awareness, value and pursuit in its operation is always featured with its deep culture with ration and passion, which has become its core in competition and resulted in its splendid performance in its leapfrog development. It is right to say that the development of NWGICO is a process of establishing company culture and pursuing innovation.

The educational campaign with the theme of Caring Companies' Future -Independent Innovation with Own Intellectual Property Rights, supported by the local governments, will use interviews at IPR portal websites as its main publicity means substituted with other media, which provides education and services at the same time. The campaign will be reported on-line interactively and on print media. New services will be provided to companies by inviting patent examiners and industry experts to answer questions lively and issuing authoritative analyzing data of key industries. At the same time, problems will be solved specifically for the companies. It is known that local media, such as Ningxia TV Station and Ningxia Daily, have given a full coverage to the interview.

