2007 IPR Publicity Campaign Started by Qinghai Provincial IP Administration


After the success in 2006, Qinghai Provincial IP administration will take six measures for the IPR publicity campaign in 2007 which will be more specific and more audience friendly.


From April 1 to September 1, a daily lecture on IPR is broadcast in the program, Serve for the People, between 12 and 12:30 at Qinghai Radio Station. It hopes that after half-year intensive effort, which is unlike the old extensive approach, the whole society and  every sector will be familiarized with IPR. At the same time, the SIPO Qinghai Office Commissioners, related working staff and radio station journalists will participate into the program, News Table,  , cooperated with the provincial radio station, discussing IPR dissemination, the existing problems and future plans with the audience in an interactive fashion. Therefore, the general public may not only get the basic information of IPR but also get to know the current situation of IPR in Qinghai Province and its development in the future from a wider and deeper perspective. As a result, the publicity will be more effective.


Qinghai Provincial IP administration will cooperate with Jinke Tibaten Pharmaceuticals, which has the most number of patent applications in Qinghai, to organize an event called IPR Culture Year  to delve into IPR protection for traditional culture. The whole event will be shot into TV film and be broadcast in the program Windows for Science and Technology  so as to promote IPR protection and its development among all the companies in the province. Qinghai Provincial IP administration also re-edited and printed 50,000 copies of brochures on IPR to introduce basic information of IPR, which is quite practical, interesting and easy to read. More and more inventors will get to know patent and hence file it.


The event for collecting signatures of over tens of thousands of people will be held again to make the IPR publicity campaign more known to the public. It is using words and pictures to make the event more interesting to the public, which is following the trend of and in the need of IPR publicity.


Patent Agents and People for Patent Application from Companies, Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Research Institutions Participated the Seminar

