TIAN Lipu: International Rules Should Balance Interests of Countries at Different Stages of Development


"The evolution and development of international rules for IP protection should fully reflect the principles of fairness and justice and balance the interests of countries at different stages of development as much as possible," said TIAN Lipu, Commissioner of the SIPO recently in his keynote speech on "Global Trends in IP Protection" at the Global Forum on Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation held in Beijing.

"The Chinese government has made unremitting efforts on strengthening IP protection in recent years with obvious results," said TIAN Lipu. He remarked that China is a responsible developing country. It is but a necessity that China should fulfill its obligations to international treaties and further its IP protection in its drive to create an environment that attracts advanced foreign technology and foreign investment and to improve its own innovative ability and self-development.

Mr. TIAN reiterated that even when strengthening IP protection has become an inevitable trend, every country should fully understand that "IP system can only truly promote innovation and development when it is in line with the country's own socio-economic development and productivity and when it strikes a good balance between encouraging innovation and promoting competition."

