First National IP Song Contest Concluded


The final for the first National IP Song Contest sponsored by the SIPO was held in Beijing on April 2. Out of the twenty odd songs that made the final, the one named "Let's create together" won the first prize. This song from the Business Channel of CCTV was written by ZHU Hong, composed by WANG Dayuan and sang by XIONG Rulin, HAI Mingwei and HUANG Xin. TIAN Lipu, Commissioner of the SIPO presented the cup and the award certificate to the winners.

According to the Organizing Committee of this contest, the SIPO named Year 2007 "the Year of IP Culture" in an effort to instill the concept of "Promoting innovation and Respecting IP" in society and create an environment that favors innovation. By holding this First National IP Song Contest, the SIPO aimed to raise the public awareness of IP concepts and the importance of IP protection as well as to promote innovation through these songs. The call for songs for this contest was launched in October 2006. In the following five months, 78 songs were recommended by 26 provinces, municipalities or autonomous regions across the country. Twenty-four songs made their way to the final from the preliminary contest and semifinal. Songwriters who answered our call included public servants from local IP offices, local Administration of Industry and Commerce, and staff and students from businesses and institutions of higher education as well as officials with ministries of the central government such as CHEN Xiaoguang, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Culture.

At the final, the winners were announced right after our professional judges decided on the score for the live performance of each group of singer and the prizes were presented right afterwards. This final also had the presence of famous singers such as HA Hui, YAN Dangdang, YAO Beina, Lin Ping, XIONG Rulin, HAI Mingwei and HUANG Xin. Famous composers, lyricists and singers were also invited to form its distinguished judging panel, among them, YAN Su, MENG Qingyun, CHEN Feng, TIAN Xiaoben, ZOU Youkai, LI Shuangjiang, CHEN Sisi and TANG Can. They gave evaluation of these live performances in the final with their accountability and professionalism.

Commissioner TIAN addressed the prize-award ceremony. He said, "we are pleased to see that this First National IP Song Contest as a major initiative of our ‘Year of IP Culture' has been successfully concluded here today. An increasing number of people from different sectors are involved in the IP cause and they demonstrate their support with songs, which is very inspiring for us. As our IP development is embracing its spring, we will spare no efforts in building our harmonious society and an innovation-driven country."

The second prize winners were "Created in China", "One More Question Mark" recommended by the Intellectual Property Office of Guangdong and "Song of Intellectual Innovation" recommended by Intellectual Property Office of Guizhou. The third prize winners were "Eulogy of Intellectual Property" recommended by the China Patent Information Center, "Light of Knowledge" recommended by the SIPO Retired Personnel Department, "Wait for Home" and "There is One Type of Power" recommended by the Intellectual Property Office of Hunan and the "Beacon of Innovation" recommended by the Intellectual Property Office of Sichuan. In addition, the organizing committee of this contest also presented the Special Prize, Honorable Mention Prize and Outstanding Performance Prize.

