WEN Xikai: the First Winner of Second-Class Service Medal by the SIPO


WEN Xikai was recently awarded the Second-Class Service Medal to recognize her distinguished contribution in establishing China's IP laws and regulations as well as state IP strategies. WEN Xikai was the first one to win the Second-Class Service Medal by the SIPO after the Measures on Recognizing Staff of the SIPO (Trial) were promulgated.

WEN Xikai, formerly Deputy Director General of the Legal Affairs Department of the SIPO, is among those professionals who first engaged in research of patent regulations. She has been working on the frontline of China's patent law formulation since 1980. She was involved in the formulation of PRC Patent Law and its Detailed Rules and two revisions of their drafts as well as the drafting of several regulations such as detailed rules for layout design of integrated circuit. She also actively participated in campaigns to raise public awareness of patent laws and regulations. With her in-depth knowledge in patent laws and regulations and rich experience in this field, she has made distinguished contribution in the establishment of patent law system. She participated in several international IP negotiations such as those on international treaties related to IP, sino-US IP, Hong Kong patent law localization, the WTO TRIPS Council's public health issues. All these have won her good reputation in the international IP field. As a diligent researcher, she has many publications, including the "Traditional Knowledge and IP" published in recent years and "IP and Development", totaling 850,000 Chinese characters. Starting from 2005, she has led the formulation of the national IP strategy, serving as Secretary General of the Office of the National IP Strategy Formulation Steering Team and Secretary General of the SIPO Strategy Formulation Office. She has made significant contribution to achieving preliminary results in the national IP strategy formulation by implementing the guidelines on formulating and executing the National IP Strategy required by the State Council, finishing tasks assigned by the National IP Strategy Formulation Steering Team and the SIPO, and managing operations of the Office of the SIPO Strategy Formulation Office.



