First Blue Book of IPR in China Published in China


The Blue Book of IPR in China was published recently, marking the publication of the first professional blue book on China's overall IPR protection and its industrial status. This book summarized IPR programs in China between 2005 and the first half of 2006, including national legislation, enforcement, development of IPR into an industry, authorization, academic events, talent training and international protection.

This Book includes the China IPR Development Report as its main content, which presents important events in China's IPR arena, typical cases, overview of international news, development of intellectual property convention members, new development in legislation in different countries as well as challenges and prospects, etc.

This Book also includes articles by 35 famous Chinese researchers of their opinions on hot topics in China's IPR field, providing different perspectives. This part of the book discusses seven hot topics, namely, IP strategy, IP education and talent training, IP criminal law protection, traditional resources and IP protection, IP and anti-trust, the Internet communication and copyright protection, and the third amendment to the Patent Law. 

In addition, this Book also contains surveys on IP awareness of the Chinese public and of Chinese student body. These surveys were conducted by sending online and offline questionnaires to the non-specific groups of the general public and the specific group of university, high school and primary school students in order to research into and analyze the innovation mindset, IP awareness and knowledge of applicable regulations, and ethical standards of the Chinese public.

This Book is an encyclopedic publication on China's IPR status with over 400,000 characters long, rich information and substantial data. Around ten scholars from different Chinese institutions of higher education and research institutes participated in the compilation of this Book, showing various accomplishments that China has achieved in the IP field and the strong team of IP research in China.

