Zhang Qin: the State IP Strategy Transforming to Implementation


SIPO Deputy Commissioner Zhang Qin delivered speech

"The formulation of China IP Strategy had achieved a staged progress in 2006, while in 2007, the last part of the document is scheduled to finish, and the strategy, thus, will enter the implementation period," said Mr. Zhang Qin, deputy commissioner of SIPO, on April 10 to the attendants of China National Meeting of IP Administration Directors.

"IP Administration at local levels ought to study well with the strategy and make ready for the future implementation of the document, such as making out the relevant publicity plan and concrete implementation methods in order to promote the overall implementation in whole China," Zhang stressed in his report about the strategy.

According to Mr. Zhang, formulation and implementation of the strategy is a milestone in China's IPR protection progress, and will expand the development space for SIPO and local IPR Administration, and will definitely provide an excellent opportunity and bright future for China's IP cause. Zhang also urges all regions and industries in China to take full use of the opportunity and to make out relevant working plans based on the national strategy, so as to realize the targets listed in the national strategy and promote the overall economic development.

Since China started its formulation of national IP strategy in the August 2005, everything has been going smoothly, and SIPO has finished preparation, studies, consulting and examination periods. The special study on some aspects has achieved remarkable progress, thus laid good foundation for drafting the strategy. Right now, framework of the strategy has been primarily established, and the IPR protection coordination and service platform has also been established, laying a favorite condition for the future implementation of the national IP strategy.

