"Independent Innovation and Intellectual Property" ? SIPO-to-Enterprises Dialogue


On April 26th 2007, in observing the 7th World Intellectual Property Day, the SIPO hosted a dialogue engaging the SIPO and the enterprises, with Deputy Commissioner, Mr. Lin Binhui as the moderator.  Vimicro Deputy President Mr. Yang Xiaodong, China International Marine Containers Vice President Mr. Wu Fapei, Chery Automobile Vice President Mr. Lu Jianhui and Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Corp. Vice President Mr. Li Guanzhong were invited as panelists for online discussion and Q&A.

After the opening remarks by Mr. Lin, panelists from enterprises delivered keynote speeches on four subjects: stress on R&D and self-innovation to develop core independent technologies; achieve industrial advantages through re-innovation based on introduced and internalized technologies; become a leader in market competition via innovative application of the existing technologies; establish a system of IP creativity, management, application and protection.  The panel discussion then proceeded, between Mr. Lin, other government leaders, and the business leaders.

It is understood that the online dialogue/interview was made a highlight of the April 26th Open Day event, and was a special arrangement by the online awareness campaign program "Enterprises' Tomorrow―Independent Innovation and IP".

