Speech by Commissioner Tian Lipu at the High-level IPR Forum


The China High-level Forum on Intellectual Property Rights Protection 2007 was held on April 24th by the SIPO in Beijing.  The theme of this year was "IPR Protection and Corporate Competitiveness".  The SIPO Commissioner Mr. Tian Lipu attended and delivered a speech entitled "The Role of Enterprises in the IPR Strategy".

Tian noted in his speech, that the robust advancement of modern science and technology defines the role of corporate-based intellectual property.  Countries across the world have made it a key objective in the IP strategy to uplift the overall industrial competitiveness, seeing that enterprises are the backbone in implementing such a strategy.  The corporate sector of a country hence takes a central part of any IP strategy.  Accordingly, a major task now is to raise the enterprises' IP capacity as a foundation for China to build up its competitive advantages, in support of its transformation of the growth pattern, and as an indispensable precondition to enhance the corporate core competitiveness.

In addressing the issues of IP innovation, protection, application and management in the corporations, Tian outlined measures for improving corporate IP creativity and application: refine the science and technology management system to promote the corporate IP creativity; the IP strategy be integrated into the corporate growth strategy; greatly uplift the IP creativity of SMEs; enhance IPR enforcement and administrative regulation; build an IP platform to further disseminate and utilize IP information; establish an all-round public IP service system; etc.

Guest speakers at the forum include other leaders from the central government and guests from home and abroad, covering an array of topics: IP, innovation, corporate competitiveness and etc.  Three notable points: First, patents as the commanding subject.  Both government leaders and business representatives all made patents a central talking point in their speeches while discussing their proposed issues and making comments.  This testifies to the incomparable status of patents among all intellectual property issues.  Second, the full launch of China's IP strategy being most anticipated.  In her speech, Vice Premier Wu Yi discussed the national IP strategy in three places.  Participants from different agencies and institutions as well as enterprises also expressed their intent of planning their work under the guidance of the IP strategy, demonstrating the keen anticipation of all sectors paid to the strategy.  Third, greater visibility of SIPO in promoting IP.  Research results of strategic studies were frequently referred to in the speeches.  Recognition from the public and the private sectors was also given to the progress made in the IP events and activities such as "Week of the Intellectual Property", collecting recommendations and comments on the third amendment to the Patent Law, etc.

At the advent of the 7th World Intellectual Property Day, such high-level, inclusive grand event of the IP with wide-ranging topics as this forum bears significant implications to enhancing communication and cooperation between the public and the private sector, between China and the world.


