"Innovation Spirit and Innovation Capability is the Most Essential Thing", Says Wen Jiabao


Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, made an inspection tour to Shanghai on May 14, 2007.  While in Shanghai, he stressed emphatically that innovation spirit and innovation capability is the most essential and long-standing thing.


In Tongji University, Wen visited an undergraduates' innovation achievement exhibition and encouraged the students to engage themselves more in innovation and to produce more outcome.  Wen said that for the development of a nation, we should firstly rely on the talents as well as the wisdom and spirit of the human beings; secondly, on the political and economic system that enables the people's enthusiasm and creative vitality into full play; and thirdly, on the advanced science and technology and the innovation capability.  All these cannot be divorced from the human beings and the cultivation of our modern universities.


Wen made an inspection tour to the Shanghai High Science and Technology Company and encouraged the research and development personnel to engage themselves in innovation.  In the Microport Medical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. that mainly engages in the high-tech medical products' research, manufacture, marketing and service and boasts of more than 70 high-grade development talents and more than 30 patent technology projects, Wen heard in details, the specific account given by the science and research personnel, watched the production flow and sample products of the coronary artery support system carefully and expressed his appreciation for their new achievement.  Wen said that for a city, a school or an enterprise, its size or air does not matter much.  While innovation spirit and innovation capability is the most essential and long-standing thing.


It was learned that six years ago, Wen put forward the requirement for universal networking as there was the problem of non-networking in the bank card area of interbanks.  According to Wan Jianhua, president of China UnionPay, this objective has been accomplished.  At present, a Unionpay Bank card having independent IPR is being established.  After hearing this, Wen said happily: "You should constantly set higher demands of yourselves".



