President of the Patent Court of Federal Republic of Germany and His Party Visit the Patent Re-examination Board


Recently, Raimund Lutz, President of the Patent Court of the Federal Republic of Germany and Regina Hock, Senior Judge, visited the patent Reexamination Board of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO).  Discussions were held between the person-in-charge of the Board and the visiting party.


In the discussion, the person-in-charge of the Board gave a brief account about the work of SIPO's Patent Re-examination Board, elaborated on the cases under its re-examination and also answered the questions raised by the guests.  Lutz expressed his thanks to the Board for receiving them.  He also gave a brief account about the Patent Court of the Federal Republic of Germany.  Both sides also explored the issue of strengthening interflow and cooperation.  After the discussion, Lutz and his party visited the Oral Reexamination Hall of the Board and also watched the demonstration of the Oral Examination Multi-media Recording System which is under construction.


This visit deepens the mutual understanding and lays a solid foundation for the interflow and cooperation between the two sides in the future.

