Commissioner Tian Lipu Granted the Honorary Award for Outstanding Contribution to International Cooperation on IPR to Professor Alain Pompidou, the President of EPO


On May 30, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu granted the Honorary Award for Outstanding Contribution to International Cooperation on IPR to Professor Alain Pompidou, the President of European Patent Office (EPO). Both sides had candid, friendly and detailed discussion on future cooperation and other issues of mutual concern before the ceremony was held.


Tian started the discussion by welcoming Pompidou. He said that CPO (the Patent Office of the People's Republic of China, the predecessor of SIPO) entered cooperative relations with EPO as early as 22 years ago, and the cooperation has since become the paragon of international IPR collaboration. Thanks to their concerted efforts, both offices have established strategic cooperative partnership featuring active attitude, pragmatic cooperation and mutual benefits. The meeting will prove significant in planning future collaboration and promoting long-term traditional friendship between the two sides.


Tian Addresses the Ceremony


Pompidou Addresses the Ceremony


Pompidou expressed his gratitude to Tian for the reception. He said that guided by the principle of mutual trust, the bilateral cooperation has been highly constructive and fruitful. He also expressed the hope to expand cooperation with SIPO to boost the development of IPR protection in China and Europe.


Tian handed out the medal and diploma of the Honorary Award for Outstanding Contribution to International Cooperation on IPR to Professor Pompidou after the meeting in acknowledgement of his efforts and contribution to the friendship and cooperation between SIPO and EPO.


The Honorary Award for Outstanding Contribution to International Cooperation on IPR was proposed by Tian at the 20th Anniversary of Cooperation between SIPO and EPO in 2005, and is granted to those contributing to International IPR cooperation and China's IPR protection effors. Pompidou was the first recipient of this prestigious award.

