G8 Outreach Session will Focus on Issues Such as the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights


Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin Wednesday to attend the outreach session of the Group of Eight (G8) summit slated for Friday in Heiligendamm, northern Germany.


The outreach session will focus on issues such as the world economy, the protection of intellectual property rights, freedom of investment, energy, climate change, and the development of Africa.


During the outreach session President Hu will present China's propositions on fighting climate change and other important issues, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said Monday.


On the sidelines of the session, President Hu is expected to meet with leaders of G8 member countries and other developing countries to discuss bilateral relations and major world issues, said Cui.


Before the G8 session, Hu will attend a group meeting on Thursday in Berlin with leaders from India, Brazil, South Africa and Mexico.


The G8, an informal forum of leading industrialized nations, groups Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan, the United States, Canada and Russia.


