"The Third Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Forum and the Fourth Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Conference" Held in Changsha City



On June 13, 2007, the "Third Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Forum and The Fourth Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Conference" was held in Changsha City, Hunan Province.  Gan Lin, Vice Governor of the People's Government of Hunan Province and Zhang Qin, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office were present and also delivered speeches.  The Opening Ceremony of the Forum was chaired by Gong Shiyi, Director of the Hunan Provincial IP Administration and about 90 people attended the forum.  They included the leaders and representatives as well as the IP experts and scholars concerned of the parties to "9+2" IP cooperation from the respective local IP Administrations, branches of the Administration of Industry and Commerce and the press and publishing bureaux of Hong Kong, Macao, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and Hunan.

Zhang Qin attending and speaking at the Forum


In his speech, Zhang stated that since the convening of the First Session of the Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Conference that ushered in IP cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region in 2004, the respective provinces and regions, centering around the technical and economic development of the Pan-PRD Region, had been active in pushing forward IP cooperation of the region.  And through exploring on the establishment of a regional IP coordination mechanism, the intellectual property interflow and cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region had further been deepened, playing an active and promoting role in the establishment of a united, open, fair and orderly market competition system as well as the circulation, development and protection of the production factors in the region.  Zhang stressed that the unfolding of IP cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region and the IP work through the approach of regional cooperation is not only closely connected with the future development of the Pan-PRD Region, but also conforms to the thought of the national intellectual property strategy and the requirements of the development of the current situation, thus conducive to the enhancement of the overall strength and competitive edges in the Pan-PRD Region.


Gan expressed her warm congratulations to the holding of the forum and the convening of the conference in the name of the Hunan Provincial Government.  She also expressed her warm welcome to all the guests attending the forum and the conference. Gan pointed out that IP cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region has become China's first working platform in the intellectual property field for trans-departmental and trans-regional liaison, coordination and service.  She fully confirmed the active role of IP cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region for independent innovation and economic development of the region and also indicated that Hunan Province will put its own advantages into full play and actively participate in IP cooperation of the Pan-PRD Region.


At the Opening Ceremony of the Forum, the opening of the PRD Regional Patent Agency Enquiry System was also held, at which, Li Zhongduo, Director of the Guangdong Provincial IP Administration gave a brief account on the opening of the said system and all the representatives witnessed the entire process of the opening of the system.  In the forum, superb statements on the status of the IP contingents of talents as well as the cultivation and building of talents were made by IP experts and winners of the eminent theses centering around the theme of "Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation and the Building of IP Contingents of Talents."

Gan Lin, Zhang Qin and Li Zhongduo jointly cutting the ribbon for the opening of the Pan-PRD Regional Patent Agency Enquiry System


In the Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation Conference, Director Gong Shiyi of the Hunan Provincial IP Administration made a report on the preparatory work of the current meeting and Director Xu Huiran of the Yunnan Provincial IP Administration made a report on IP cooperation of the Third Session of the Pan-PRD Regional Intellectual Property Cooperation and the project proposals for the next stage cooperation.  Representatives from all the parties responded enthusiastically to the opinions concerning the current cooperation and the unfolding of the next-stage cooperation.  All of them were fully confident in the further IP cooperation and development of the Pan-PRD Region.


With the vision of globalization and on the height of the national development strategy, regional intellectual property cooperation in the Pan-PRD Region is conducive to integrating the resources of the region in an even larger scope, taking part in the international competition with overall and coordinated resources.  The successful holding of the Intellectual Property Cooperation Forum and the Cooperation Conference in Changsha City will further enhance IP cooperation and interflow in the Pan-PRD Region, expand the new situation of inter-provincial IP cooperation, so as to even better promote the rapid development of the IP undertaking in the Pan-PRD Region.




