Xing Shengcai Attended Commendation Meeting of Guangdong Patent Award


The Commendation Meeting of Guangdong Patent Award & patent usage and industrialization conference was held in Guangdong on June 15. Many units and individuals won 2007 Guangdong Patent Award and honorary certificates were issued to the units who got 10 items of  Guangdong Patent Golden Awards and 39 items of Guangdong Patent Excellent Awards. Xing Shengcai, Deputy Commissioner of SIPO, Jiang Haiyan, Deputy Secretary-general of Guangdong Provincial Government attended the conference and gave a speech.


Xing gave a high praise for the efforts and achievements of Guangdong province in terms of IPR protection and advanced expectation on and requirements for this course. He promised that SIPO would continue to support the development of Guangdong IPR protection.


Jiang Haiyan, on behalf of Song Hai, Vice Governor of Guangdong province, said that we should recognize that strengthening further IPR protection was not only necessary answer to requirement for economic and social development in Guangdong, but also demand of deepening reform and opening-up and speed-up development in Guangdong. She also pointed out that directing independent innovation via patent encouragement policy and strengthening patent usage and industrialization had to be undertaken under the guide of scientific development concept. We should pay our efforts to enhance IPR quality and company and institution' ability to utilize IPR systems and rules. In this way can IPR in Guangdong develop from big to strong and give support to construction of creative, economically developed, highly cultivated, rule-by-law and harmonious Guangdong.


Li Zhongduo, Director of Guangdong IP Administration, issued a report on patent usage and industrialization in Guangdong and assigned the forthcoming work at next step. The representatives from administrative offices of IPR in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shantou cities and companies and institutions like Huawei, TCL, GBS, SCUT and Chemistry Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced their experiences in IPR protection.


In the meeting, it was pointed out that Guangdong was at a new development stage in terms of economic and society and higher demand for IPR have been given by development circumstance domestic and abroad. Company and institution should further strengthen consciousness of patent usage and enhance sense of responsibility and pressure in this respect, actively fulfill IPR strategy and take patent usage and industrialization as an important part for enhancing key competitive force of Guangdong and propel economic and social development of Guangdong in a good and rapid way as well. Various effective measures should be taken in order to promote comprehensively patent usage and industrialization so as to give a support for creative Guangdong.


In recent years, Guangdong steadily carried out various policies of utilization plan of patent technology and encouragement for patent across the province. Great achievements have been scored out in terms of strengthening patent usage and industrialization and creating good environment for it in an all-around way. Models who use patent system flexibly and gain a growth resorting to independent IPR such as Huawei, TCL and GBS had come forth, which effectively enhanced independent innovation level and IRP level in a great leap way. It also played an important role for coordinated and further development of economic and society in Guangdong.

