Tian Lipu Attended the 5th Session of China (Fujian) Technology and Projects Fair


The 5th Session of China (Fujian) Technology and Projects Fair (TPF) also Strait Green Construction and Architecture Energy-saving Expo was held in Fuzhou on June 18. Zeng Peiyan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier delivered a congratulation letter; Tian Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO and other directors of sponsored party jointly presented themselves the opening ceremony.


The TPF was co-sponsored by the Fujian Provincial People's Government and other State relevant departments, such as Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Information Industry, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, All-China Trade Union, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, SIPO and Fu jian Provincial People's Government. At the same time, Ministry of Construction and Fujian Provincial People's Government co-organized the Strait Green Construction and Architecture Energy-saving Expo, which enhanced the scale of TPF and develop its function as a platform and boost solider foundation. There are most academicians and oversea experts of science and technology attending TPF.


China (Fujian) TPF was held annually in Fuzhou on June 18 at the first time and this is the fifth one. It is reported that to expand brand effect of "June 18 TPF", and strengthen publicization and protection of IPR and propel more project of independent IPR to connect with reality on the basis of TPF platform and promote construction of economic zone of west bank of straight, Fujian Provincial IP Administration actively reported to SIPO and Fujian Provincial People's Government delivered an invitation letter to SIPO, SIPO finally agreed to co-sponsor China (Fujian) Technology and Projects Fair.

