WIPO-SIPO Academy on Intellectual Property for Decision Makers Held in Beijing TIAN Lipu Attended the Opening Ceremony and Delivered Speech



The WIPO-SIPO Academy on Intellectual Property for Decision Makers organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) with the assistance of the China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC) is held during July 3 to 6, 2007 in Beijing. TIAN Lipu, Commissioner of SIPO, Mr. TAKAGI, Executive Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Development of WIPO, and GAO Hang, Vice President of WIPO Worldwide Academy (WWA), attended the opening ceremony.


In his speech, TIAN Lipu noted that with the deepening and advancing of economy globalization, the IP system is also showing the trend of internationalization. Therefore, decision makers have to consider how to draw up the IP strategy according to different national conditions, in order to enhance their domestic economy development by taking advantages of their own IP system. The purpose of this academy is to discuss such issues, to search for solutions for problems encountered in making policies, and to exchange related experiences.

TIAN Lipu Delivers Speech at the Opening Ceremony

TAKAGI Gives Speech


TAKAGI pointed out that the contemporary IP system has a history of 200 years, which has always been an important way to encourage innovation. At present, new technology areas such as internet and bio-tech greatly affected the concept of invention, and the new type of IP system emerged to better protect individual interests and public policies. Therefore, the IP system and the concerned policies should change accordingly to meet new demand brought up by new technology, and government bodies should also convert from institutions that simply register and confer intellectual property rights to planners that design the development of intellectual property strategy.


Among more than 30 attendees are experts from WIPO, Korea and China, and heads of IP divisions from 24 countries and territories. They will hold in-depth discussion about the role of IP in creating knowledge wealth, the study of national IP strategy and policy, IP as a key tool in attracting foreign investment, the mechanism and capability construction of IP, and the latest updates of international IP. 

Representative from Different Countries


In the opening ceremony, WIPO awarded CIPTC Worldwide Intellectual Property Excellent Training Certificate to reward the outstanding performance of CIPTC in organizing domestic and international IP training.


After the opening ceremony, TIAN Lipu gave a speech on The Development and Future of the Intellectual Property System in China, in which he introduced the general situation of IP system development in China and the significance of IP in market economy.


This academy is known to be the first such high level one that WIPO organizes in China, which is also an important training event for CIPTC to become World Intellectual Property Organization International Intellectual Property Training Partner. 




