The Supreme People's Court: Handle Properly IP Cases involving Foreign Parties


Recently Wan Exiang, vice-president of the Supreme People's Court, at a press conference stressed at the conference of national presidents of high courts that people's courts at various levels should handle properly intellectual property cases involving foreign parties and three types of foreign-funded enterprises. According to the principle of abiding by the promise, adapting to national conditions and on an equal footing, we should provide protection on legal interest of involved parties and related parties domestic and abroad.


He pointed out that we should resist resolvedly local protectionism and professional protectionism, as well as avoid actual super-national treatment.


He addressed that courts at various levels should deal well with technical IP cases involving patent, technical secret, computer software and strengthen protection on key techniques with breakthrough driving force to economic growth and with independent intellectual property. He demanded that logo intellectual property cases relating to trade marks, geographical symbols and other unfair competition cases should be handled properly so as to standardize competition order of market and expressive intellectual property case relating to works and record, video tape and so as to propel healthy development of copyright industry.


He stressed that more severe punishment should be given to the infringement on intellectual property rights and make use of civil cases to give enough severe punishment to intentional infringement on IP right. He also said we should give a full play to the existent laws and regulations to regulate the misconducts in intellectual property respect to strive for fair competition environment.


(China Daily)


