"The Patent Technology Conversion Service Platform" will be Jointly Built by the 6 Provinces in the Central Region


Xing Shengcai attending the signing ceremony of the "Strategic Cooperative Agreement of the 6 Provinces in the Central Region on the Joint Building of the Patent Technology Conversion Service Platform"


On July 5, 2007, the "Cooperative Agreement of the 6 Provinces in the Central Region on the Joint Building of the Patent Technology Conversion Service Platform" was signed by the directors of the IP Administrations of Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces.  It marks the building of the platform for the patent technology conversion service in the central region has begun.  Henceforth, the "sky" for patent technology conversion service in the central region will be more spacious.  Xing Shengcai, head of the discipline inspection team of the CPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection stationed in the SIPO attended the signing ceremony.


At the current "Forum of the 6 Provinces in the Central Region on the Intellectual Property Work and the 3rd Seminar of the 6 Provinces in the Central Region on Regional Economic Development and Intellectual Property Strategy", the directors of the IP Administrations of the 6 provinces, through friendly consultation and following the principle of mutual-benefit and reciprocity and common development, have reached a strategic cooperative agreement on the building of a platform for patent technology conversion service in the central region.  Xing pointed out that the joint building of the "Patent Technology Conversion Service Platform in the Central Region" by the 6 provinces is a specific measure for the implementation of the "Decision Concerning the Intellectual Property Work and Promoting the Rise of the Central Region" made by the SIPO.  And it has important significance in further pushing forward the patent technology conversion and industrialization in the central region.


According to the Agreement, the Leading Group on the Patent Technology Conversion Work for the Central Region will jointly be set up, consisting of the relevant leader of the SIPO and the directors of the IP Administrations of the 6 provinces.  And the rotating director system shall be practiced and an annual work plan shall be worked out and its implementation shall be organized.  The system of "Networking Platform for Patent Technology Display and Trading in the Central Region" shall be developed.  The "Resource Sharing Mechanism" shall be practiced in the central region for patent technology conversion.  The patentee shall enjoy the relevant support and the preferential policies of the locality when disseminating and converting his/her own patent technology in any provinces in the central region, visiting and stationing in the patent technology industrialization bases, patent technology incubators and patent technology display and trading center.  An annual "Patent Technology Display and Trading Expo of the Central Region" shall be sponsored by the 6 provinces on a rotating basis.

