The Number of High-tech Invention Patents should Double during the "11th Five-Year Plan" Period


On July 6, 2007, the "11th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the High-Tech Industry" was promulgated by the State Development and Reform Commission.  During the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the number of invention patents of high-tech enterprises in China should double and the added-value of the independent development high-tech manufacturing industry should strive to reach more than 50 percent and the proportion of the high-tech products for export having independent intellectual property and independent name-brands should strive to be upgraded around 15 percent.


According to the Plan, during the "11th Five-year Plan" period, China's focus should be laid on organizing and implementing the 9 specialized projects, including the specialized project for the integrated circuit and software industry, the specialized project for the new-generation mobile telecommunication, the specialized project for the next-generation Internet, the specialized project for the digital audio and video industry, the specialized project for advanced calculation, the specialized project for the bio-medicine industry, the specialized project for the civilian-use aircraft industry, the specialized project for the satellite industry and the specialized project for the new materials industry.  As disclosed by the relevant person-in-charge of the State Development and Reform Commission, through the implementation of these specialized projects, China strives to take a batch of technologies having an overall and driving effect of core generality, cultivate a batch of high-tech industrial groups having independent intellectual property, in order to upgrade the core competitive edges of the industry by a large margin.


It is defined in the Plan for the first time, the 8 high-tech industries that require focal development in China during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period. They are: the electronics and information industry, the biologic industry, the aeronautics and astronautics industry, the new materials industry, the high-tech service industry, the new-energy industry, the ocean industry and the renovation and upgrading of the traditional industry through the use of new technology.


It is pointed out in the Plan the thought for the development of China's high-tech industry, namely, "independent innovation, concentrated application, industrial accumulation, scope development and international cooperation", while stress is laid on the conversion from mainly seeking for the expansion of the scope of the industry of the past to equal importance given to accelerating the industrial paces and striving for strong and continuously to becoming big.  And extension should be made from processing and assembling as the main to independent research development and manufacturing.


It is proposed in the Plan for the first time, the three major tasks of the high-tech industrial regions, namely: pushing forward the advantages of the high-tech industry of the Yangtze River Delta area, the Pearl River Delta area and around the Bohai Sea area, so that these areas will take the lead and strive for strong and become the innovation bases for strengthening the core competitive edges of China's high-tech industry and an important component in the lay-out of the global high-tech industry, thus motivating the conversion of China's high-tech industry from the type of processing and assembling to the type of independent research and development.  The independent innovation capability of the industry in the major central cities shall be further strengthened and the radiation and driving effect of the high-tech industry in the major central cities should be put into play, so as to motivating the development of the regional economy.  And various kinds of high-tech industry bases and the industrial park areas should be built so that they will become the incubation bases and the growth-point for the development of the high-tech industry in China.

