Meeting on IP Protection for Foreign-Funded Enterprises Held


Recently, the Meeting on IP Protection for Foreign-Funded Enterprises was held in Shenzhen with participants exceeding 80 people from the member units of the National Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights Protection, related law-enforcement departments of the State Office of Intellectual Property Protection (SOIPP), foreign enterprise associations and foreign-funded enterprises. Jiang Zengwei, Director of SOIPP and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce presided the meeting and delivered a speech.


Jiang pointed out that the regular communication and coordination mechanism for foreign-funded enterprises is an important window for Chinese Government to learn more about foreign-funded enterprises' needs in IP protection and their focus of attention. Following its establishment in September 2003, related meetings is held once a quarter and sound achievements have been made. In the future, the mechanism should be developed in a comprehensive and pragmatic manner. He noted that the SOIPP and related departments would consider seriously about the suggestions made by foreign-funded enterprise representatives at the meeting. Meanwhile, he encouraged foreign-funded enterprises to put forward more reasonable and feasible advices on the basis of China's national situation to jointly promote the development of China's IP protection.


The meeting summed up the experiences after the establishment of the communication and coordination mechanism between SOIPP and foreign-funded enterprises and listened to foreign-funded enterprise representatives' comments and suggests on China's IP protection.

