ROSPATENT Delegation Visited Shanghai


According to the cooperation agreement signed by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks of Russia (ROSPATENT), and invited by the SIPO, a delegation of three members from ROSPATENT, led by the Director General Boris Simonov, visited Shanghai to inspect the municipality's intellectual property work, accompanied by staff from the International Cooperation Department of SIPO.


While in Shanghai, ROSPATENT delegation visited Shanghai IP Administration and talked with Director Chen Zhixing. Chen briefed on the structure of his administration and the its work in IP publicity and training, legal construction and IP law enforcement in Shanghai. ROSPATENT delegation introduced the general situation of its work in Russia and appreciated Shanghai's achievements made in IP protection, saying Shanghai's experience would be useful references for ROSPANT's work in this regard.


Meanwhile, ROSPANT delegation visited the public IP service platforms of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park and Pudong New District, and exchanged views with the Intellectual Property Division of Shanghai No.2 Intermediate People's Court on the lawsuits of patent and trademark infringement.


The visit greatly promoted the mutual understandings and bilateral experience exchanges in terms of local intellectual property works, playing important roles in further deepening the friendship and strengthening IP cooperation between SIPO and ROSPATENT.

