Lin Binghui Met Delegation from the Institute of Comprehensive Policy Research of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan


Lin talks with the delegation members


On August 14, Lin Binghui, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), met a delegation from the Institute of Comprehensive Policy Research of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, led by Sonoura Kentaro, a member of the House of Representatives, talking about bilateral exchanges and cooperation in IP sector.


Lin expressed his warm welcome to the Japanese delegation and introduced China's IP system and the general trend of China's IP development. He highlighted the close bilateral cooperation in economic and trade sectors between China and Japan in recent years and pointed out that Japan is one of China's important trading partners. In patent realm, more than 10,000 Japanese enterprises have filed patent applications in China, a figure in the front rank in this regard in China. This indicates that Japanese enterprises are very confident of China's efforts in IP protection.



 Lin speaks at the meeting



Sonoura Kentaro speaks at the meeting


Lin stressed that in recent years, Chinese Government strengthens its efforts in cracking down on IP infringements. IP protection involves not only developing countries, but also developed ones. Chinese Government would like to make joint efforts with other countries to intensify IP protection.


The Japanese delegation indicated that Japan would actively support China's efforts in IP protection. Since IP protection is a challenge for all the world countries, Japan would like to join hand with China in promoting IP development.


The delegation came to China at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship With Foreign Countries.

