Lin Binghui: Let Independent IP Products Serve Common People Better


On August 19, Lin Binghui, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), led a delegation to Chongqing for inspection, visiting the SIPO Chongqing Patent Agency, Chongqing IP Report, Complaint and Service Center and Chongqing Motorcycle and Automobile IP Information Center. He listened to the work reports of Chongqing IP Administration and visited two enterprises to know more about their works on IP protection.


While listening to the work reports of Chongqing IP Administration, Lin pointed out that in recent years, Chongqing made joyful achievements in its IP work, especially the coming Chongqing Patent Promotion and Protection Statute (hereafter, the Statute), which is comprehensive, feasible and practicable. It will surely greatly promote Chongqing's patent development. Under the patent application principle of relying mainly on market behavior supplemented with governmental guides and financial assistances, measures should be taken to stress on the validity rate of patent of invention and the validity cycle of the three types of patent. Through publicizing and implementing the Statute and increasing leaders' IP consciousness, efforts should be made to publicize IP information in the Administration Institute and make the quality of independent intellectual properties an important norm in assessing the operation of state-owned enterprises. Starting from constituting and implementing Chongqing's IP strategy, the coordination and communication mechanism among various municipality-level IP departments should be established to form the interactive management system. Patent examination system for great economic events should be established to strengthen its ties with Chongqing Science and Technology Commission and Chongqing Development and Reform Commission for detailed information and active participation. Information service platform construction and industrial and technological patent analysis should be strengthened to help enterprises set up IP strategies. Measure should be taken to strengthen the service capacity so as to actively launch patent services for enterprises.

