Tian Lipu Attended the Symposium of Globalization of Technology and Innovation in China


On August 28, the symposium of Globalization of Technology and Innovation in China was held in Beijing. The State Intellectual Property Office Commissioner Tian Lipu attended the symposium and delivered a speech, saying that under the backdrop of technology globalization, IP work needs more extensive international cooperation. China has a clear stance that IP protection needs dialogues and cooperation, instead of confrontations and condemnations.


Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, Bai Chunli, Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Pan Yunhe, Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the symposium and delivered speeches on issues of technology diffusion and Chinese enterprises' innovation capacities under the circumstance of globalization.


Tian noted that during the process of technology globalization, IP is exerting increasingly important roles and needs extensive international cooperation. However, some developed countries regard IP as a political tool to restrain other countries, instead of using it as a normal channel for technological cooperation. IP, under the background of technology globalization, needs dialogues and cooperation, instead of confrontations and condemnations. China has a clear stance in this regard. Not long ago, China and the United States jointly cracked a case of multinational piracy, which, according to Tian, is a successful example of IP international cooperation.


Tian pointed out that in order to improve China's innovation capacity and construct an innovative country, China needs to learn from developed countries' successful experiences. Necessary tracking, imitation and learning form the base of independent innovation. Otherwise, independent innovation is baseless. On the one hand, China is currently on the prime stage of IP development; on the other hand, China is also facing an increasing number of condemnations from developed countries. This actually is the reflection of technology overflow effect of the world's developed countries under the background of technology globalization. IP protection is the internal requirement for China's development, thus, under the background of technology globalization and innovation, China needs to accelerate its process of devising and implementing its IP strategy to foster the new innovative culture atmosphere.


Some celebrities in business circle such as Zhang Yaqin, President of Microsoft China R & D Group, Liu Chuanzhi, President of Lenovo Holdings and Zhou Houjian, President of Hisense Group attended the symposium and introduced their successful experiences.

