Hu Jintao Attended APEC Business Summit and Delivered a Speech


On September 6, Chinese President Hu Jintao attended the opening ceremony of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Summit in Sydney, Australia and delivered an important speech. Hu pointed out that China actively participates in regional economic cooperation and promotes trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. China would like to develop closer economic and trading partnership with every other country and region, including APEC members on equal and mutual beneficial basis. China will continue changing its foreign trade pattern, actively expanding its imports, strengthening IP protection and promoting coordinative and balanced development of imports and exports, so as to contribute to the continuous increase of the world trade.


In his speech, Hu introduced the great achievements China had made during the process of reform and opening up to the outside world and China's important roles during the world economic development. He stressed that after China's entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the country honestly implements its commitments, and, according to WTO rules, actively adjusts its foreign trade policy. In the future, China will continue its mutual beneficial and win-win strategy of opening up to the outside world. China will obtain development from the opening up strategy and realize common prosperity during mutual beneficial cooperation with other countries worldwide. Hu concluded that promotion of joint development is the starting point and goal of China's participation in the APEC. So long as the world countries can grasp opportunities to deepen cooperation and strengthen the community, a sustainable future of the Asia-Pacific region will surely be obtained.


Business Summit is an important forum of the APEC annual conference. The theme for this year is "strengthening our community, building a sustainable future," focusing on trade, market, structural issues, energy, clean development, climate change and education. Australian Government's high officials and more than 500 business people from industry and commerce circle attended the opening ceremony and listened to Hu's speech.

