IPR Protection Reiterated During Chinese Premier's Dalian Visit


Accompanied by Li Keqiang, Secretary of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and Zhang Wenyue, Governor of Liaoning Province, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inspected enterprises, schools and resident communities in Dalian on September 6 and 7, researching the city's problems in social development. He stressed that efforts should be made to intensively implement the scientific development concept, deepen reform and renovation, open wider to the outside world and accelerate the process of structural adjustment to construct Dalian into an economically developed and socially harmonious city with beautiful biological environment.


On the morning of September 7, Wen visited Dalian's coastal enterprise of DHI?DCW Group Co. Ltd. Dalian leader introduced the city's development plan of "two areas and one strip," namely, sea port area of equipment manufacturing, coastal area of equipment manufacturing and shipbuilding industrial strip. Wen noted that taking the coastal advantage of the "two areas and one strip," Dalian should be developed according to the world top level through independent innovation. By strengthening scientific planning and reasonable distribution, measures should be taken to improve the utility efficiency of resources such as lands, coastal zones and sea areas. Distribution of industry should be deliberately taken into consideration to protect the environment and ecology.


"Excellent environment is one of the most important reasons for the Summer Dovos meeting to be held in Dalian. The 1,000-odd participants of the meeting are interested not only in Dalian's enterprises, but also the blue sky and white cloud, the beautiful environment, energy reservation and sustainable development," stressed Wen.


During his visit, Wen reiterated the importance of ecological environment construction and sustainable development. He noted that like the science, technology and innovation, excellent ecological environment can also increase a city's competitiveness. Thus, Dalian should put ecological environment construction into a more important position and make efforts to speed up economic structure adjustment, devote major efforts to developing science and technology education and promote the development of service industry.


According to Wen, Dalian is a leading city of the programs of rejuvenating the traditional industrial base of Northeast China and reform and opening up to the outside world. Dalian's development should be based on the development of its port since the port embodies the advantage of the city. But Dalian Port is never only for Dalian and Liaoning. It should serve the entire Northeast China since it is one of the shipping centers of the northeast Asia. The port should be carefully planned and designed so that all the newly built projects are in line with the world top level.


During his inspection, Wen reiterated that efforts should be made to intensify IPR protection, encourage independent innovation and increase the state, city and enterprises' innovation capacities. He pointed out that Dalian is an open city with talent attraction as its important symbol. Talented people are the intellectual and innovative base for a city's development. Dalian should bring the roles of its large numbers of scientific research institutes into full play to increase the city's innovation capacity.



