Wen Jiabao Met Entrepreneur Representatives of Summer Dovas Meeting


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met domestic and foreign entrepreneur representatives who participated in Summer Dovas meeting in Dalian on September 6, stressing that China will further open its market to the outside world, strictly follow international practices and WTO rules, attach special importance to IPR protection and improve IPR protection system.


Wen noted that China will further open its market to the outside world and strictly follow the international practices and WTO rules through constantly perfecting its laws and regulations. China will attach special importance to IPR protection and shoulder international obligations by means of perfecting IPR protection system, severely cracking down on IPR infringements according to the law, encouraging IP services such as patent, trademark, copyright and intangible asset assessments and strengthening cooperation with various countries and international organizations in this regard. China will supply a stable, transparent, equal and foreseeable policy environment for the world enterprises to expand businesses in China, including growing enterprises.


Wen pointed out that it is of great significance for this years' meeting to focus on the development of the global growing enterprises. These growing enterprises face opportunities as well as challenges in the process of economic globalization and the acceleration of the world industrial structure adjustment. They must occupy the champion position in the world economic development through independent innovation. Measures should be taken to further strengthen international cooperation to promote the world economic prosperity for mutual beneficial and win-win development. Growing enterprises form a new force during the changes of the world economic pattern and are the development potentials of the countries and regions with emerging markets. Various governments worldwide should supply more policy supports and create sound external conditions for their healthy development. Meanwhile, these growing enterprises should also shoulder more social responsibilities and obligations during their development to contribute to the world economic sustainable development and improvement of people's living standards worldwide.



