First Batch of One Hundred High-Level Personnel for the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talents Cultivation" Determined


Recently, the Examination Panel of One Hundred High-Level Personnel for the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talent Cultivation" held a conference at the China Intellectual Property Training Center. Tian Lipu, Director of the Panel and Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, presided the conference. After deliberate and warm discussion, the panel determined on the 109 high-level persons for the project.


The 109 persons are mainly from the IP administrations nationwide and some are from universities, researching institutes, enterprises, institutions and IP agencies. Most of them have comparative abundant experiences in IP sector. Sixty percent of the persons selected for the project are master degree holders, mostly majoring in law. Many of them have published IP-related articles in provincial or higher level publications, with comparative higher studying and researching capacities.


Tian pointed out during the examination that the selection and cultivation of the One Hundred High-Level Personnel are great events, as well as the important step in implementing China's IP strategy. The people selected this time basically reflect the current situation of talent fostering in the national IP administrations. Efforts should be made to encourage multi-realm and multi-level talent cultivation with wider horizon and more extensive strategic thinking. Tian stressed that the criterion of high-level personnel selection should be based on high quality and high level. Cultivation to these persons is more important. Pragmatic measures should be taken to further strengthen the cultivation works. He concluded that taking the opportunity of implementing China's national IP strategy next year, efforts will be made to constantly upgrade and augment the high-level personnel team, so as to further deepen the development of IP talent project.


The year 2007 is the first year to select the One Hundred High-Level Personnel for the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talent Cultivation." In order to ensure the healthy development of the work, the SIPO established an examination panel consisting of SIPO leaders, leaders of related departments of SIPO, former SIPO leaders, leaders from provincial level IP administrations, and experts and scholars in IP realm, and set up an examination office. IP administrations of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities also attach great importance to the selection work through actively doing organization and recommendation works in their corresponding regions. The launching of the event of selecting high-level personnel creates a sound atmosphere of stressing and strengthening IP talent cultivation and further promoting the development of IP talent work.


In order to better cultivate high-level personnel in a pragmatic manner, the SIPO will devise and issue detailed measures for high-level personnel cultivation program to strengthen the training work, providing talent guarantees and intellectual supports for the establishment and implementation of China's IP strategy, construction of an innovation country and promotion of IP development.


The selection of the One Hundred High-Level Personnel of the "Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talent Cultivation" was initiated by the SIPO according to spirit of CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao's important speech on May 26 of strengthening the construction of high-level IP talent team and accelerating the process of cultivating IP academic and professional forerunners, and the spirit of the Circular Concerning the Printing and Issuing the Implementation Schema of the 2007-2010 Project of One Hundred, One Thousand and Ten Thousand IP Talent Cultivation, mainly to select a batch of high-level IP talents from the IP administrations, universities, researching institutes, enterprises and institutions nationwide, strengthen cultivation efforts and lay a solid basis for the establishment of a high-level IP talent team.

