Tian Lipu Met With Japanese Delegation of IPR Protection



The two parties discussed on IPR protection


Tian Lipu

Yoshihide Munekuni


On September 17, Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) met with a Japanese official-civilian joint delegation of IPR protection headed by Yoshihide Munekuni, Chairman of the Japan-based International Intellectual Property Protection Forum (IIPPF). The two parties exchanged views on cooperation and exchanges in IP sector.


Tian expressed his welcome to the visiting Japanese delegation, pointing out that this is the fourth time for the joint delegation to visit SIPO following 2002, 2004 and 2005. These visits greatly promote view exchanges and communication in IP sector of the two countries. He hoped the joint delegation could make outstanding achievements during this visit to China.


Munekuni expressed his gratitude for Tian's arrangement of the meeting, noting that the two countries had made great efforts in the works of IP sector and should strengthen cooperation to form the win-win situation.


During the meeting, the Japanese delegation had frank and deep exchanges with related leaders of SIPO in terms of the launch of technology briefing meetings, patent application procedures, grant of patent of design and China's third modification of the Patent Law.


Supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, the IIPPF is a non-governmental organization established by the country's 78 organizations and 91 enterprises in April 2002, aiming at fighting against counterfeits in different industries through efforts from governmental officials and common people. During the five years after it was established, IIPPF has launched active and extensive cooperation with governments in various countries, including China.




