State Council: Improving Product Quality and Food Security Through Strengthening Patent and Trademark Works


Recent, the State Council issued the Circular on Strengthening the Work of Improving Product Quality and Food Security (hereafter, the Circular). According to the Circular, measures should be taken to guide enterprises to improve their product quality, increase their independent innovation capacity and accelerate technological progress. By means of independent innovation, brand operation, trademark registration and patent application, efforts should be made to foster a batch of world famous brands with independent intellectual property rights.

According to Article 6 of Chapter 2 of the Circular, all the enterprises should be operated according to laws with raw materials, supplementary materials, additives and agricultural put-in substances in line with related laws, regulations and national compulsory standards. Enterprises manufacturing products related to people’s health and security should strictly be operated according to the national compulsory standards. Measures should be taken to establish and improve the quality management system covering all links from product design to after-sales service in light with the developing trends of domestic and international markets to strengthen quality management in all-round manners. On the basis of improving product quality, measures should be taken to increase enterprises’ independent innovation capacity and accelerate their technological progress. By means of independent innovation, brand operation, trademark registration and patent application, efforts should be made to foster a batch of world famous brands with independent intellectual property rights and make “made in China” a real symbol of high quality.

The Circular put forwards eight measures to strengthen the improvement of product quality and food security so as to increase the overall quality of products made in China, including deepening the understandings to intensify the sense of urgency and responsibility of improving product quality and food security; strengthening the supervision on product quality, especially the food security; consolidating the foundation and accelerating the construction of standard system and supervision capacity; strengthening coordination with foreign countries to properly deal with trade protection and discrimination; improving emergency mechanisms to cope with emergencies; strengthening information release work for correct orientation of media; promoting legal construction and education for quality improvement focusing on the construction of product quality credit system; and strengthening leadership to clarify the supervision and management responsibilities of product quality and food security.

