197 Well-known Trademarks Accredited by CTMO


There are 197 well-known trademarkshave been accreditedso far in 2007 by China Trademark Office (CTMO) and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) under the State Administration for Industry & Commerce.

Among these trademarks, 183 are products and 14 are from service industry, and many of them are already quite familiar to the public, such as Xinhua Bookstore. Moreover, 182 of them are registered by enterprises from China mainland, one from Hong Kong Special Administration Region, 2 from Taiwan region, and 12 by foreign enterprises.

According to the statistics, 130 of them are recognized by CTMO during trademark management cases, 16 by CTMO in handling trademark dissidence cases, and the rest 51 by TRAB in trademark dispute cases.

