Working Conference on Central Enterprises IPR Held in Shenzhen


The State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council held the working conference on IPR works of central enterprises in Shenzhen on September 27 to deepen the implementation of the scientific outlook of development. On the basis of constructing an innovative nation and increasing enterprises’ independent innovation capacities, the conference summarized and discussed central enterprises’ experiences of IPR works, studied on the current situation of central enterprises’ IPR works and affirmed the future works to improve the core competence of central enterprises. Li Rongrong, SASAC Chairman and Party Secretary of SASAC CPC Committee made important instructions at the conference. SASAC Vice Chairman Huang Shuhe attended the conference and delivered an important speech.

Li pointed out that in recent years, central enterprises had made remarkable progress in terms of reform and development with their economic performances growing dramatically and business competitiveness rising notably through deepening the reforms of state-owned enterprise and state-owned assets management system and strengthening system innovation, technology innovation and management innovation. However, it must be noticed that further intensifying enterprises' technology innovation and IPR works to increase central enterprises' core competence is still a great strategic topic of China.

Li stressed that state-owned economy is the mainstay of China's national economy, and central enterprises'competence is the major part of China's national core competence. Central enterprises'independent innovation and IPR works not only play a very important part in the control and competitiveness increase of China's state-owned economy, but also directly influence the development of the focal realms and key industries of China's national economy and the optimization and upgrade of industrial structure, as well as China's position in the future international economic competition structure.

According to Li, central enterprises should fully implement the scientific outlook of development and put independent innovation and IPR works to an important strategic position. Through accelerating the establishment of market-oriented technology innovation system focusing on enterprises that combining production, study and research, and speeding up the formulation and implementation of IPR strategy, central enterprises should make progress and serve as examples in terms of IP creation, utilization, management and protection nationwide. In order to increase central enterprises'core competent, China should make efforts to foster and develop large enterprises and groups with independent IPR, famous brands and greater international competitiveness, continuing to make new and greater contributions to the program of constructing an innovative nation and maintaining fast and healthy development of the national economy.

Huang pointed out in his speech that in recent years, central enterprises, on the basis of CPC Central Committee and the State Council's important strategic roadmap of implementing national IP strategy and constructing an innovative nation, made active explorations in terms of IP creation, utilization, management and protection according to the demands of domestic and international market competition, and have made positive achievements. Their IPR works were strengthened remarkably. Central enterprises'IP creation capacities keep increasing, IPR management system and mechanism keep improving and IPR protection keeps growing. SASAC and central enterprises' IPR strategy formulation has started. But compared with foreign advanced enterprises, China's central enterprises' IPR works still have a long way to go.

Huang stressed that strengthening central enterprises' IPR works is the strategic option in strengthening national competitiveness and coping with the new round of international competition, as well as an important path to boost the optimization and upgrade of China's industrial structure and maintain rapid and sustainable economic development. Meanwhile, it is the urgent demands of the development and expansion of these enterprises themselves, and an important measure of better implementing "go global" strategy. We should fully realize the importance and urgency of central enterprises' IPR works.

The conference also drew up an important plan for central enterprises' IPR works. The guiding principles of IPR works of central enterprises in the next step include: Deepening the scientific outlook of development on the basis of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "three represents" ;combining enterprises' IPR works with enterprise reform, systematic innovation, structure adjustment, industrial upgrade, market exploration, enterprise operation and development, technology innovation and improvement of independent development capacities, so as to conform to the adjustment of the layout of state-owned economy and the needs of rapid and healthy development of state-owned enterprises; making efforts to increase central enterprises' core competence and foster a batch of large enterprises and groups with independent IRP, famous brands and comparatively stronger international competitiveness, focusing IP creation, utilization, management and protection.

According to the conference, the following five aspects should be stressed in central enterprises'IPR works: 1. The research and formulation works of IPR strategy of central enterprises should be started in all-round manners. This work should be given top priority; 2. Independent innovation and IP creation should be further strengthened and efforts should be made to make more and greater innovation achievements in near future; 3. Measures should be taken to accelerate the industrialization of central enterprises' achievements in IP creation; 4. Efforts should be made to speed up the cultivation of central enterprises' famous brands; and 5. Central enterprises' IPR management and protection should be further strengthened.

The conference noted that measures should be taken to fulfill the responsibility and open up a new prospect of the central enterprises' IPR works. Measure should be taken to strengthen the leadership of IPR works in pragmatic manners, determine the mechanism and functions of IPR works as soon as possible, establish and improve various rules and regulations for IPR management, intensify the construction of IPR risk-proof mechanism on legal layer, accelerate IPR talent training, and actively conduct exchanges and cooperation in IPR works. SASAC of the State Council will also strengthen its guidance to IPR works by making efforts to improve the incentive restraint mechanism in IPR works, timely summarize and promote successful and typical experiences and create sound external environment for IPR works.

Nearly 500 people, including the leaders who are in charge of IPR works of various central enterprises, general counselors, heads of IPR organizations and leaders of related departments and bureaus of SASAC, attended the conference. Some enterprises such as SINOPEC, China Mobile, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group, Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp. exchanged views on the topic of "IPR and Enterprise Development."Some experts and scholars from Zhongnan University of Economics and Laws, China Law Association of Science and Technology and some world famous law firms gave lectures at invitations.

