National Conference on Patent Utilization and Industrialization Held in Shenzhen, Zhang Qin Participated and Delivered a Speech



National Conference on Patent Utilization and Industrialization

The National Conference on Patent Utilization and Industrialization and the Working Conference of National Patent Technology Exhibition and Exchange Center was held in Shenzhen on October 10. Zhang Qin, Deputy Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, Li Zhongduo, Director of Guangdong Provincial IP Administration, Liu Yingli, Executive Vice Mayor of Shenzhen and Xu Youjun, Director of Shenzhen IP Administration attended the opening ceremony.

Zhang delivered the keynote speech at the opening ceremony, pointing out that IP has become a major part of the future world economic affairs, as well as the dispute focus of the current international trade. Related departments should understand the situation and tasks clearly, focusing on each link of IP creation, utilization, protection and management. Patents should not be only possessed, but should be turned into realistic productivity. The utilization of intellectual property is actually a process of combining laws and technologies. Efforts should be made to fully implement the spirit of CPC Secretary General Hu Jintao's instruction of promoting the transformation of the achievements of independent innovation into intellectual properties, and commercializing and industrializing these achievements, so as to support the startup and implementation of China's intellectual property strategy and to promote the industrialization of patent. The patent technology exhibition and exchange centers built nationwide should bring their roles of promoting trade, popularizing scientific knowledge and publicizing IP laws into full play on the basis of various industrial conditions and different IP strategies in different regions. These centers should not simply make the exchanging volume as the only index to comment their central works, but should exert their roles as welfare and non-profit institutions to promote the implementation of patent strategies and industrialization of patent achievements.

Zhang Qin spoke at the conference

The conference means to summarize and exchange the experiences of the pilot project of China's patent industrialization, and patent utilization and industrialization in the previous year in various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities nationwide, find out how to further implement patent industrialization project under the new circumstance, focusing on the goal of constructing an innovative country and the work of implementing China's intellectual property strategy, explore ways of developing products and industries with China's independent intellectual property through patent utilization and industrialization nationwide, discuss measures of accelerating the construction of national patent market and patent technology exhibition and exchange platforms, and make plans for the related works of patent technology exhibition and exchange. More than 150 people, including leaders of IP administrations of various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions nationwide, leaders of the base of pilot projects of China's patent industrialization project and national patent technology exhibition and exchange centers, representatives from related ministries and commissions under the State Council, related domestic experts and scholars and people from all walks of life participated in the conference.

At the conference, representatives from Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen municipalities and Liaoning, Shaanxi, Jiangxi and other provinces delivered typical speeches. Leng Xiaoming, Executive Vice Mayor of Dongguan City of Guangdong Province, Song Liuping, Deputy President of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and Li Lin, Vice President of South China University of Technology also delivered speeches on special topics. Meanwhile, the conference commended the people who did excellent jobs in patent utilization and industrialization nationwide.




