Formulation of National IP Strategy Included in the CPC Chronology After the 16th National Party Congress


In order to welcome the 17th CPC National Congress, at the invitation of Xinhua News Agency, the Party Literature Research Center of the CPC Central Committee compiled Striving for Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way and Creating a New Situation in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics----CPC Chronology After the 16th National Party Congress, which includes the work of formulating national IP strategy in 2005.


The chronology records the firm progresses and great achievements made by the CPC Central Committee, with Hu Jintao as the Secretary General, in uniting with and leading all the Party members and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups during the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way and creating a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics during the five years after the 16th CPC National Congress from 2002 to 2007 in the circumstance of facing the complicated international situation, facing the arduous tasks of maintaining domestic reform, development and stability and facing the contradictions and problems in the way forward under the principles of upholding Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as the guide, deepening the implementing the scientific outlook of development, sticking to the Party's basic line, program and experience, continuing emancipating people's minds, abiding by the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world, promoting scientific outlook of development and promote pushing forward the social harmonious. The chronology reads, "June 30 (2005), the first meeting of the Leading Group for Formulating the National IP Strategy was held, formally starting the work of national IP strategy formulation."

