Intellectual Property Issues Should Not to be Politicized


The 17th CPC National Congress Delegate and Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property (SIPO) Tian Lipu stated on October 18 that the attempts to politicize IP disputes are not acceptable.

Tian noted that currently, the IP issue has become an arduous problem that Chinese Government and related departments have to face. However, this problem is not as serious as described by outsiders. Tian revealed that many large-scale enterprises from developed countries, especially some multinationals, have gained numerous economic returns and interests from its IPR in China like patent applications, registered trademarks and law enforcement actions through China's IP-related departments. From this angle, foreign enterprises are confident in China's IP protection, which can also be evidenced by the fact that the number of foreign patent applications in China increases by 10 percent annually.

According to Tian, IP is an internationalized issue that needs extensive international cooperation. But cooperation does not mean to oppress others by force. Dialogue and cooperation should be promoted in this regard to replace confrontation and blame. China opposes politicizing IP issue and exerting pressures to others.

He gave an example to illustrate his view. Recently, many US enterprises won IP lawsuits in China, and in this sense, Chinese judicial branches protected US enterprises' legal rights and interests. "IP problems can be solved through judicial process. Blindly blaming and exerting pressures to others are unacceptable," Tian noted.

Tian observed that international IP system development should be more reasonable and balanced, and should give consideration to the development levels and realistic interests of different countries, as well as the appropriate concerns of developing countries in this area.

"For some great issues related to the development of human race and the whole world like public health, environmental protection and energy conservation and emission reduction, IP should be subordinated to the common interests of the human race. Developed countries should not focus on seeking profits while ignoring the global responsibilities they should bear," Tian stressed.

