Tian Lipu Elected Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC


On the morning of October 21, 2007, more than 2,200 delegates and specially invited delegates of the 17th CPC National Congress, representing more than 7,300 CPC members nationwide, elected by secret ballot 204 members and 167 alternate members of the CPC Central Committee, and 127 members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI). Tian Lipu, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office, was elected a CCDI member.


The 17th CPC National Congress primarily elected nominees for the CPC Central Committee and CCDI. The number of nominees for the 17th CPC Central Committee was 221, or 17 more than the seats. The ratio between the margin and number of seats stood at 8.3 percent. A total of 183 nominees of alternate members of CPC Central Committee were primarily elected, 16 more than the 167 seats with the ratio between the margin and the number of seats reaching 9.6 percent. Meanwhile, the number of nominees for the CCDI candidates was 138, or 11 more than the seats. The ratio between the margin and number of seats stood at 8.7 percent.


The CPC Central Committee has clear and specific requirements to the personal quality of nominees of the CPC Central Committee and CCDI. The requirements to the newly elected CCDI members mainly focus on:


Firm political belief and strong Party spirit: CCDI members should adhere to the principle of concentrating on the central task and serving the overall situation, carefully implement the policies of the Party to toughen internal discipline and administering the Party strictly, abide by Party Constitution and other Party regulations, hold firmly related principles, actively combat law and discipline violation activities and corruption, be wholeheartedly devoted to their duties and be impartial in dealing with discipline violation cases.


High level of policy understanding capacity and strong awareness of law and discipline. CCDI members should be able to correctly implement CPC's various policies with experience of party work, be competent to independently handle cases of violation of the Party's discipline, take the lead in guarding the authority of CPC Central Committee and the seriousness of the Party's discipline, and pragmatically maintain CPC members' democratic rights.


High sense of self-discipline, fairness and justice. CCDI members should serve the people, deal with concrete matters and be honest and upright with high reputation inside and outside the Party.

